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Research Grants

European Commission, Horizon 2020, FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking

FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020, RIA Research and Innovation action. Award Number 858149

AlternativesToGd, Hyperpolarised MR technologies and molecular probes as alternatives for conventional metal-containing contrast agents for MRI examinations. (2019-2023)

Coordinator – Rachel Katz-Brull

AlternativesToGd website


Israel Science Foundation, Award Number 1379/18.

Hyperpolarized 15N-labeled MRI contrast agents. (2018-2023)


European Commission, Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Program

H2020-PHC-2015-two-stage, Research and Innovation action, 667192-2

HYPERDIAMOND. The diamond revolution in hyperpolarized MR imaging – novel platform and nanoparticle targeted probe. (2016-2019)

Coordinator – Martin Plenio, Ulm University, Germany


The Joint Research Fund of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Hadassah Medical Organization, Novel diagnosis & prediction of liver diseases using hyperpolarized [13C]pyruvic acid. (2017) with Naama Lev-Cohain and Yuval Dor.


KAMIN Promoting Applied Research in Academia, Israel Innovation Authority

Diagnosis of cancer using glucose imaging with magnetic resonance. (2018-2019).

with Aharon Blank, Technion, Haifa, Israel and Daniella Goldfarb and Akiva Feintuch, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.


The Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine at Hadassah Medical Center (2016)


European Research Council, ERC-2013-StG, 338040, Citicoline and deoxyglucose as new molecular imaging probes of DNP hyperpolarized MRI for cancer and neuroimaging.

(2014 – 2018)


Israel Science Foundation. Award Number 284/10.

Hyperpolarized metabolic contrast media for diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases by MRI and the para hydrogen-induced polarization approach. (2010 – 2014)


Office of the Chief Scientist, Incubator Program, with Rad-Biomed, BrainWatch (2009 – 2011)


The German Israel Foundation, Young Scientists program.

Award Number. 2131-1586.5/2006. (2008 – 2009)


Dana Foundation (2007 – 2008)


United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation. Start-up research grant. Award Number 2006118. (2007 – 2008) with Robert Lenkinski, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA


The Tchorz fund, with Miri Sklair-Levy (2007)


The Abisch-Frenkel Foundation (2007)


Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, Tnufa (2005)


Prizes and awards to students

TEVA National Network of Excellence

Awards to fund two post-doctoral positions for Dr. Lital Magid and Dr. Abed L. Azab. (2013 - 2014)

Magna cum laude scholarship, The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University

Award to Gal Sapir, 4-Years, for MD/MSc and MD/PhD studies. (2016-2019)

Magna cum laude scholarship, The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University

Award to David Shaul, 2-Years, for MD/MSc studies. (2017-2019)

Lady Davis Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Hebrew University

Award to Dr. Talia Harris, One Year. (2018-2019)

Cum laude scholarship, The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University

Award to Atara Nardi-Schreiber, 5-Years, for PhD studies. (2018-2022)

Ze’ev Jabotinsky ScholarshipThe Ministry of Science and Technology

Award to David Shaul, 4-Years, for Direct PhD studies in Applied and Engineering Science. (2019-2023)

Golda Meir Scholarship - The Ministry of Science and Technology

Award to Atara Nardi-Schreiber, One Year. Academia and industry scholarship for advancing women in science and technology.


Bester Scholarship for Cancer Research, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University

Award to Gal Sapir, One Year, for PhD studies. (2019-2020)

Israeli Bioinnovators Fellowship & Mentorship by TEVA

Award to Gal Sapir in the field of Brain Disorders, One Year, for PhD studies. (2019-2020)

Sam Lazarus Prize for Excellent Study in Physiology, The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University

Award to Gal Sapir. (2020)

Excellence scholarship for PhD studies, Hadassah Medical Center, Research and Development Division

Award to Gal Sapir. (2021)

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